So Far… So Good

Today was my 2nd full day on the new meds.  I seem to be tolerating the azathioprine pretty well. I’ve had no stomach upset but I’ve been a bit tired. I don’t know if it’s from the meds or if I’m just tired…after worrying so much about even starting the meds and finally relaxing because it isn’t affecting my stomach in a negative way.

The prednisone has helped a lot. I didn’t have many problems today with my bowels. A bit of pain and a little gassy, but not too bad…nothing like it was even yesterday. That’s the good thing about prednisone, it works pretty quickly.
I am taking 20 mg a day of prednisone until I go back to U of M hospital on April 12th for a follow up with my Dr., then I’ll start tapering off.

I am scared of getting sick with the azathioprine…because it supresses my immune system, but all I have to do is be careful and avoid catching anyone’s cold..or worse.

I guess it’s probably hard for people not going through this to fully understand how frightened I am of getting sick. I don’t want to spend any time in the hospital. I am a big baby when it comes to hospitals and there’s no way I want to have to spend any time in one.

My last hospital stay was due to pains in my chest. I had to spend the night and have a nuclear (??) stress test the next day. I found out my heart is in great shape and the pain I was feeling was caused by a flare up of my UC. Yup! My UC caused all the pain. All the way up my back and in my chest. That was last year and resulted in the new meds at the time, the Asacol HD 800.

Today was a good day.

I plan on tomorrow being a good day, too.

Yes. I am an optimist.


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